Click here for our Annual Admission Notice
The new 2024-2026 admissions policy is available here.
The application form is available here
Please note that the NCSE require all parents to notify them of their intention to apply to a Special School. Please click Here!
If you receive a refusal to enrol, there are several options available to you. Please review options below under section 29.
Criteria for admission:
Children that are of Primary school age, and have completed a minimum of one year in Primary School and pupils that have yet to complete primary school.
Pupils with an ASD primary diagnosis and suitable age to fill available places in the 4 ASD Stream Classes.
Children who are within the low ability/ low average/ average/above I.Q range (subject to Department Criteria set out for different categories of learning disability).
Children who have educational difficulties in one or more school based areas-Multiple Disabilities.