About our Parents Association
St Killian's Parents Association work to support the interests of the school in co-operation with the Board of Management.
It's main task is to adapt a programme of activities which will encourage the involvement of parents in supporting their children's schooling. This is done in co-operation with the staff as well as the Board of Management.
Some activities are to raise funds for the many extras needed by the school. Other activities provide an opportunity for parents to share good practice and good information. To do these tasks well, it is important that parents use the association to express their support on matters related to the school.
If you have any ideas or queries for the Parents Association, if you wish to get involved in activities organised throughout the year, or if you are interested in joining the Parents Association committee this year - please call the Chairperson.
The Parents Association committee are:
Contact details to follow. In the interim please contact the Parents Association through the school office.
You can also email the Parents Association at: PASt.Killians@gmail.com
New members are always welcome!
Welcome back to school everyone, and to the start of a new era for St Killian’s at our Mayfield school.
The children are already benefiting from the extra space, both inside and outside the school building.
We as a parent’s association would like to play a part in improving the school even further so we are asking for your help.
Suzanne O’ Flynn, Chairperson of St. Killian’s Parents Association